JD1BNF Ogasawara Is.
I and Makoto, JI5RPT, will be visiting JD1/o (Ogasawara,) GL:QL17cc to QRV on 2m/432EME.
I obtained a licence, JD1BNF, and will be a main operator for EME, JT and CW. (Makoto will be mainly on HF/6m)
Date: Aug. 09, 2009 to Aug. 14, 2009.
QRV time for first day could be a bit late as ship arrives there around
1330local and it will take some time to set everything up.
2m 4 x 9 (1.8WL) Yagi (H-Pol) IC910/LNA/HPA
432 4 x 15 (3.2WL) Yagi (H-Pol) IC910/LNA
I will mainly QRV on JT65B for 2m. CW operation is limited, but I'm more than grad to try as time permits.
Setup for 432 is small. Please do not expect a big signal.
Operation on 6m is limited to Tropo/Es only. NO EME OPERATION is planned.
The site has hilly terrain on east side, so NA/SA window is limited to nearly 20deg. However, the view for MS is excellent.
MR/MS time table for JD1. (MR is set as EL:15deg. Start time may vary.)
Aug.09 1202 Aug.09 2324
Aug.10 1233 Aug.11 0019
Aug.11 1307 Aug.12 0117
Aug.12 1345 Aug.13 0217
Aug.13 1430 Aug.14 0321
I am planning to be on N0UK chat during operation, if mobile internet works at the site (It is supposed to work.)
QRG will be announced during operation, but I will be on 144.105 or 144.090 Simplex depending on availability, 432.055 always JD1-1st. (Please note that I initially announced 432.005 as QRG on MMMoVHF, but I was suggested to move up a bit, so I changed it.)
The log will be uploaded in this page.
I'm looking forward to work with you.
144Mhz Aug. 9th
RK3FG -19, RU1AA -18, UA9YLU -17, UA3PTW -16, UA4AQL -18, RX1AS -19, OH7PI -20, ZL2DX -22, PE1L -16, OZ1LPR -12, DL9MS -17, JE1TNL -19, I2RV -25, F6APE -23, PA0ZH -24, F1DUZ -21, DF2ZC -23, F8DO -24, PA0JMV -20, SP2OFW -23, OK1UGA -21, CT1HZE -21, DK5SO -22, I2FAK -25, LA8KV -21, DL1DWI -20, IK1FJI -14, G4ZFJ -19, IK1UWL -19, DH3YAK -17, F6HVK -20, S52LM -22
144Mhz Aug. 10th
JH0MHE -18, W5UN -23, DF7KF -21, DL2NUD -26, DM1CG -15, DK3WG -21, OK1CU -24, DF9KT -18, DL8GP -20
432Mhz Aug. 10th
UA3PTW -18
144Mhz Aug 11th
JM1WBB -23, W7GJ -18, JM1WBB(2ND) -23, N6RMJ -21, RZ4HF -28, SV8CS -23, PA3CEE -21
432Mhz Aug 11th
HB9Q -15
144Mhz Aug 12th
G4FUF -25, JM1GSH -26, RW9USA -14, JM3UGA -26, DL8YHR -23
144Mhz Aug 13th
ZS6OB -25, PA3DOL -25, KB8RQ -12, JH5FOQ -23, K2BLA -22, JH2COZ -21, K5GMX -23, WA2ODO -20, WA3BZT -23, N4BH -18, K7MAC -18, W5UN(2ND) -14, W5UN(CW), UA9SL -21, JS3CTQ -25, DJ8MS -20, OZ1HNE(CW), VK2KU -25, RV9UV -24, OH6ZZ -27
144Mhz Aug 14th
PE1L(2ND) -19, SM5CUI -21, ZS2GK -19, G4CBW -19, DK4TG -21, DG8NCO -23, DK5LA -23
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